Saturday, August 21, 2010

A fun fact

Nearly one-third of Texans believed that dinosaurs and humans roamed the earth at the same time. Yup.

Oh, and at least one Alaskan, as well (Palin).

How do you do?

Lately I have been watching Big Brother. The reality TV show that places people in a secluded house for months and they have to compete, vote each other off, and hope to win $500,000. Going back to the original reality show MTV's Real World there was always a role selected for each cast member. I always believed it was done in the editing room. They look for all the times one person got mad and make then the mean one. Or all the times someone cried and they are the sensitive one. The jock, the idiot, the bully, the bitch, the goody goody, the drunk, etc.
I began to wonder: Who would I be? I am Italian so I could be a hot head. I am a dork so I could be the clown. I also can be a huge flirt. Who am I? It makes me want to put a bunch of cameras up in my place (not the bedroom) and see how me and my friends act. Also now that I have a roommate it is more interesting.
Its hard to admit to yourself that other people have an influence on your emotions. Because once you say it out loud. You shift the power and they could hurt you. The solution is also the problem. If you keep your guard up and don't let them in then you are safe... or are you? All you are really doing is hurting yourself and possibly missing the opportunity to have a wonderful romance. Ok, so you put yourself out there.... you admit to yourself how you feel and then confess to them, What if they don't want the same thing? Is it the end of the world? No. Does your 'enjoying each others company' have to end? No. It might be hard at first. Everyone just wants to be loved and appreciated, right? Rejection hurts. However this is not a true rejection. To quote one of my favorite movies, Love and Sex-
"Weirdos and creeps are single because they are weird and creepy. Normal people like us are single because we are victims of bad timing."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Learnign to be single

Not a new me.... but a me reborn

Picking yourself up after your world falls apart is never easy. I should be an expert by now. My life has crumbled to pieces too many times for me to count. This time was the cherry on top.

Leaving my stressful job only to have my husband leave me, and by doing so lose a huge chunk my family and closest friends. I have found myself with a blank slate as a life. But nothing is gonna keep me down. I feel like I have been invisible for 2 years and now people are starting to notice me. The ring came off and the men came flocking. Although the last thing I need right now is a serious relationship. Instead I need to be single for a while. I am never single. The truth is I am horrible at being single.

I was having a conversation with a good friend the other day and he said "Men are simple, all they need is food and sex." Food and Sex... really? Seams too easy. So he asked me what women want or to be more precise, what I want. I cant narrow it down to 2 things, but if I had to make a list it would look like:

  • A love of food

  • Sex

  • A sense of adventure and spontaneity

  • He should stand for something

  • A slightly twisted sense of humor

Now that doesn't sound too unreasonable. I can narrow it down to 5 important things. I don't sound like a crazy women. Do I? In high school I had a list a page long. It said things such as : he must like pie and prefer dogs over cats. But as you grow up you realize the little things don't matter. Its good to have differences. Unless you are a narcissist and just want to date yourself. They always say opposites attract, and its true. I like a man I can learn from. He should have different hobbies and knowledge about the world I have yet to learn. And in return I have many useless facts, lots of entertaining stories, and an open mind. Wow getting into the mind-set that I am single is weird.

Never Take Us Alive

Sometimes I feel like I'm from another world,
And everything I want in life seems impossible.
People, they'll tear you apart,
But in the bottom of our hearts,
Our dreams alive inside,
We won't forget.

You can't break, can't change, can't take us down.
We stand, we'll fight, set fires all night;
You'll never take us alive.

For the last time I give myself to the enemy
By letting their words just walk all over me.
'Cause people, they'll tear you apart
If you are not like them,
And we are different.
Let the war begin.

You can't break, can't change, can't take us down.
We stand, we'll fight, set fires all night;
You'll never take us alive.

There's no fear inside;
This is our time, no giving up.
When we connect our hearts to our minds,
there's no stopping us.

You can't break, can't change, can't take us down.
We stand, we'll fight, set fires all night;
You'll never take us alive.