Friday, May 27, 2011

Took a relationship quiz and it said....


Interdependence refers to how much you need dependency or a “couple identity” with your partner. Your answer pattens suggest that you tend not to become overly dependent on a romantic partner. People scoring like you are comfortable being singled out for praise and rewards, and their personal identity and independence from others is important to them. Therefore, it seems you need a reasonable level of independence in a relationship. This does not mean that you do not desire to be close with a partner. Indeed, when you feel close to someone, this person often becomes an important part of who you are on the inside and you probably like showing off your “couplehood” in public. However, you do not necessarily need to be constantly “joined at the hip” in order to feel connected and secure in a relationship. Bottom line: you need someone who reciprocates a strong feeling of attachment to a partner but who also respects and copes well with the fact that you benefit from a reasonable level of physical and psychological space at times.

Sounds pretty accurate to me. Now if I can just frind someone who wants this too.

Monday, May 16, 2011

How did I get here?

There grew a distance between us

I let the beast get the better of me

First I was your hammock

Swaying your troubled life to an ease

Taking your stress into my hands

Always there to pick you up

I was proud to be your rock

Honored to be the shoulder you cried on

But the gratitude didn’t come

Disrespect spewed from your mouth

Is this the thanks you are bestowing on me

Would my effort mean anything if I just sat by and watched you tear your life down again

I care too much for that

But yet the beast that has been inside me

And has used its strength to keep you safe

And it at last is tired

So this is where we part

You bit the hand that fed you

And this beast bites back

Did it teach you anything

I hope so

I hope you have learned to stand on your own feet

I hope all my help was not in vain

Go forth and be happy

Don’t put up with bull shit

Don’t let him hurt you

I am walking away

Allowing the distance to grow between us

I cannot watch

I cannot support

This beast has a heart

And its heart is broken